Our Expertise
Core Areas

We are the regional leader in Mobile Thermal EOR services, owning and operating a fleet of mobile thermal enhanced oil recovery equipment and
early production facilities. BadrEOR has pioneered many of the major oil development in the Middle East, such as Mukaizna, Amal and Lower Fars.
Our industry goal at BadrEOR is to provide fit-for-purpose engineering combined with a safe, well managed solution for our valued clients.

We offer Industrial Solutions that are reliable, efficient, safe and sustainable.

We entered the business of supply, operation and maintenance of the
systems for the water treatment, Reverse Osmosis, Steam Generation and
Well Test Units in Oman in 2004, in the name of Steam Tech. Steam Tech
was acquired bt Badr EOR in 200???
- Client satisfaction
- Passion for a cause
- Promotion Application
- Protection of HSE policies
- Advanced Technology
- Expert Engineers
- Faster Delivery
- Selective Strategies